Jonis is the most laid back person that exist on this planet. Very chill and a Weeb.
Ok. So this dude does a couple things, and he does them all with tremendous style.
Jonis watches a lot of anime, and I mean A LOT. Just check his anime-planet page.
Honorary guest of the Boris-Gala.
Jonis Stuff
- Car with FAT BASS (bass is gone now rip)
- Another car but this one is a husbil
- More anime than tapestry on his walls
- Works with trains
- Eats chips. He loves chips.
- Tons of anime figurines
- Home cinema system that rules (now with an improved curved 2000" Flat screen TV!)
This car sure goes fast, trust me. It goes fast really fast too! It looks really cool as well! Jonis sold this car and bought a husbil instead.